Nanima Foundation

Fruit trees donated For #Mandela100 we plan to plant 100 trees in Klipfontein view in Midrand on 18 July 2018. The remainder will be allocated to masjids and other places in the surrounding area where Nanima stays. To commemorate Nelson Mandela’s 100 years, Nanima Foundation plans to plant 100 trees at a township and masjid near […]

Uthman bin Affan reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4739 Connect the Quran is a weekly Quran hosted at Nizamiye Masjid for ladies on Thursday morning. Our intention is to get you to learn, live […]

This is a masjid fundraiser If you would like to be a sponsor for this event – sponsor packages available. more info email nanima[@] or whatsapp 0817880353. This Nanima foundation project we will be hosting the Nizamiye Mosque Open day. All profits raised from hiring out stalls at this event and any sponsorship will go […]

Each year, 18 July is dedicated to engaging in 67 minutes of humanitarian pursuits as our renowned former leader, Nelson Mandela did for 67 years. Enthusiastic learners celebrate Mandela Day in Mthatha During the lead up to Mandela Day, the Nanima Foundation volunteered at the Innovation Workshop in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape, assisting Africa Rising for three […]

Latest news River Dirt Catcher Alhamdulillah on #WorldEnvironmentalDay 2018 my kids, @qurtuba islamic academy learners have won Bronze for @enviropaedia #Ecologic2018 awards in Pretoria last night for their Jukskei River Dirt Catcher . They managed to stop and remove 49 bags of dirt from the Jukskei River in their area in 2 months. To find out more about this […]

Nanima Foundation is official an Non Profit Company. We have section 18 status to give all our donors tax certificates. We have Public benefit organisation status as well. Please visit our facebook page – Ask Nanima or visit our website to see what charity projects we currently busy with and how you can help and […]

Alhamdulillah, Nanima Foundation is official. We are a Non profit organisation and a public benefit organisation. We also have Section 18A certificate approval if anyone wants to donate and requires this certificate. more info whatsapp 0817880353 or email HAMPERS DELIVERED Tembisa Masjid Little rose Marlboro and Alex RAMADAN HAMPER APPEAL The […]

Alhamdulillah we are finally going ahead with the Nizamiye Mosque Open day. This will be a pre ramadan event. The event will be held on Sunday 21 May 2017. Lots of fun kiddies activities planned, Turkish and Indian Food Festival. Mosque Open day with guided tours and Q&A with Imam. This will officially be the […]

th=”335″ height=”454″ frameborder=”0″> Five year-old Omran Daqneesh was injured last week in an airstrike on the Qaterji neighbourhood of Aleppo Syria. We are all feeling helpless as we watch this heartbreaking video. Let us make a difference and sponsor towards refugees and orphans in Syria that are suffering. Let us pray that these people that […]
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