- Soak 2 cups chana dhall with ¼ tsp bicarb overnight
- Drain then add to it ¼ cup sourmilk
- 1 tblsp mayonaise
- Crushed green chillies
- 1 tsp white pepper
- 2 tsp dhana jeeru
- ½ tsp ginger garlic
- 1 tsp crushed red chillies
- 2 ground tomatoes
1.Braise one chopped onion with slit green chillies,jeera,¼ cubed green pepper and ½ cinnamon stick
2. Add dhall to lightly browned onion and mix well.
3. halfway through cooking add 3 tblsp coconut milk or cream.
4. cook till tender.add ½ tsp garam masala,and garnish with greens..
5. serve with roti or puri
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