Once again, I humbly apologise for not posting on weekends. So I decided to give you a surprise post in the meantime to pacify you! Something I wrote for Womans Month (August), but it also seems apt for 16 Days of Activism Against Abuse…
To Every Woman by Asmaa Dangorgeos Khan
To every woman who needs strong hands to protect her, to make her feel like she is worth saving…
To every woman who wants him to wipe her tears when he has made her cry…
To every woman who wants attention smothered over her, to the point where she can’t breath from overwhelming emotion…
To every woman who is alone…
To every woman who has a partner…
To every woman who wished so hard that true love falls at your door…
To every woman who wishes to be saved by a knight in shining armour…
To every woman who wants more…
To every woman who wails and bleeds beneath the laughter and facade…
To every woman who finds herself surrounded by throngs of people, yet she feels alone, empty…
To every woman who thinks she is strong, and struggles along, plowing day in and day out…
To every woman who is a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife…
To every woman who is a doctor, lawyer, nurse or maid…
To every woman fighting for her life, believing that you deserve to be alive…
To every woman suffering even an inkling of pain…
To every woman carrying the burden of heartache, dragging it with you wherever you go…
To every woman who hopes and dreams…
To every woman who has loved, and fought, and lost, or won…
To every woman tinkling her sound of magical laughter out to the world…
To every woman who’s cry is a lament, soulful and searing…
To every woman who was given birth to, and has given birth…
To every woman, in every corner and crevice of this earth…
To every woman fluttering about, knowing you can make a difference…
To every woman, in all your shapes and sizes…
To every woman, of every colour, and nation, and creed…
To every woman with a heart pumping volumes of love around her…
To every woman who is the caretaker of her universe…
To every woman who was hurt by a man, blistered, yet continuing with bright eyes and a hopeful heart…
To every woman who was bruised and battered…
To every woman who has lived a sheltered life, never straying far from what you know best…
To every woman, from immense wealth, to the poverty stricken streets…
To every woman radiating and illuminating everything in her wake…
To every woman who is a breathe of fresh air, allowing everyone to feel what you feel…
To every woman, scarred and afraid…
To every woman, young infant and poised grandmother…
To every single one of you…
Know always,
That you are special…
KKnow that you were created that way, incredibly delicate, yet amazingly steeled.
You donot possess the strength… You ARE strength!
You are light,
You are love,
You are glass
and gentle breezes…
To every woman…
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