10 stalls up for grabs at the Wassies Family Fun day and Nanima expo. To qualify for the mahala stall you have to refer a minimum of 5 people. They have to mention your name in the form in section provided. The top 10 referrers get free stalls. REFER AND APPLY NOW http://bit.ly/SFVhBY or https://www.nanima.co.za/2013/01/school-family-day-expo-16-march-2013/
to better your chances of getting a free stall, help those home industries you know that are internet less and need the exposure to apply..
Let the referring begin
ps. if there are ties and same amount of votes we will cross that bridge when we get there. Highly likely all those that qualify as winner will be placed in draw. Only 10 stalls up for grabs.
We would like to annouce that the School family day brought to you by Ask Nanima will be at Laerskool Theo Wassenaar Primary known as Wassies on Benjamin Street in Robertsham.
We have been approached by a school in the South of Johannesburg to assist with their family day in the middle of march. The event will happen on a Saturday. This is a school event and we will be assisting with organising it. Parents and their kids will be there in their droves from the school to support this event. It will be a great opportunity for home industries to show case their businesses. They have approached us to assist with getting the stalls for the day.
While we waiting for things to be finalised, we want to have an interim application process to see who is interested in stalls and what kinds stalls are there. We will make the announcement regarding venue once we have received formal approval and confirmation.
Reason for application process
1. to help us see how many stalls there will be
2. to see how we can layout stalls
3. Most importantly how much we have to charge stalls.
4. assists with need analysis for the day e.g tables, chairs for stalls etc.
5. to try and have a variety of stalls
Only once we have all of this, will we know how much to charge.
How stalls are chosen
process to be finalised and confirmed with host school. Criteria subject to change until everything is finalised.
As stalls are limited and we try and get a variety of different type of stalls. We have an application process.
main criteria for getting a stall
1. You have to be home industry to get a stall.
2. Food and drink stalls will most probably be done in house by the school and organisers. i.e burgers, hot dogs, biryani’s etc. This excludes baking, savouries etc.
3. Person or parent in the area of the school get preference for a stall
4. thereafter we work on first come first serve basis per category.
5. Johannesburg and surrounds will get preference over other places and provinces.
6. once you are chosen as a stall holder we will send you a registration form and the rate card, you will have 24 hours to confirm your spot, 48 hours to fax or email a signed registration form with proof of payment. Only once these are done will you have a stall.
About stalls
usually we allocate a 3mX3m space for the stalls. We provide 1 table and 2 chairs. If you require more tables or chairs that is an extra cost.
Please note expo will happen in a field so please bring a gazebo or something to cover you on the day.
Please complete Application form below.
If you can’t see this form click HERE for it or email us nanima@nanima.co.za only if you having problems with this form.
Please note if you fill in this form it doesn’t mean you have booked stall.
Slm… How do I know if my application was submitted n by wen wii I know if its accepted
Do you allow a charity to book a stall for the day ? Mostly for advertising and public awareness plus to promote their cause .
Slms When will we be notified if we our application has been successful?
monday 18 feb
salaam i just wanted to know i sent in a late application. will you still process it or d deadline is closed.
applications are not closed until the end