The Real Nanima (i.e bachoo and poiroo’s nanima – my mother) attempted this recipe from one of her BBM groups. We had it this weekend, it was tasty.
1kg chicken strips-
3 Tblspn steers peri peri sauce,
3 Tblspn Mayo,
1 tsp chicken spice,
¼ tsp arad,
1 tsp ground Garlic,
1 tsp chillie powder,
¼ tin tomato puree,
½ tsp dhana jeero,
Salt to taste-
Marinate all ingred, and cook in Ghee. When almost ready add three quarter green pepper strips. Gravy must be nice and thick .
RICE- 2 cups yellow rice boiled and rinsed and set aside.
Braise 2 onions in Ghee, add 1 cup mixed veg, 1 cup trio peppers, 1 grated tomato, 1 chopped tomato, half cup tomato sauce. Cook till dry. Mix this into rice.
WAGAAR – 2 Tblsp Ghee, quarter tsp whole jeero, quarter tsp cinnamon powder, quarter tsp black pepper, pinch of salt, and 1 tsp lemon pepper. Mix together in a frying pan.
Slmz. What is yellow rice? Is it rice boiled in tumeric?
Slm. chicken strips with rice what do you do with the vagaar