Sehri Power Smoothie

Written by on August 2, 2011 in Easy Recipes


Lots of people are asking regarding energy for Ramadan maybe this recipe will help. Just reading it makes me feel full 🙂


Recipe by Zaakirah Mohomed-Dindar from Fowzia Dindar

Sehri Power Smoothie:
For 2 glasses:

1 n half cup milk,

1 T oat bran,

1 banana,

4-8 dates depending on sweetness of dates used and how you prefer it,

1 t crushed almond… Blend…

Zaakirah – I  was introduced to this by my in-laws and shukr ive been drinking it past few Ramadhaans. Great energy booster

Oat bran – is a type of jungle oats, called jungle oat bran… I prefer the oat bran as its high in fibre and is used for smoothies, youll find it next to normal jungle oats in your grocery store, has a pic of a smoothie on the box, im sure normal oats can be used too:) enjoy

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7 Reader Comments

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  1. Amith says:

    Sounds pretty good! Quite interested to see how the date + banana combination tastes.

  2. nuri says:

    The cheapest package moving only 1 zil hajjah

  3. Soraya says:

    U can also add paw paw to it and and a teaspoon of peanut butter if u dnt hve nuts – keeps u gng the entire day. Algamdudilah
