Lots of people are asking regarding energy for Ramadan maybe this recipe will help. Just reading it makes me feel full 🙂
Recipe by Zaakirah Mohomed-Dindar from Fowzia Dindar
Sehri Power Smoothie:
For 2 glasses:
1 n half cup milk,
1 T oat bran,
1 banana,
4-8 dates depending on sweetness of dates used and how you prefer it,
1 t crushed almond… Blend…
Zaakirah – I Â was introduced to this by my in-laws and shukr ive been drinking it past few Ramadhaans. Great energy booster
Oat bran – is a type of jungle oats, called jungle oat bran… I prefer the oat bran as its high in fibre and is used for smoothies, youll find it next to normal jungle oats in your grocery store, has a pic of a smoothie on the box, im sure normal oats can be used too:) enjoy
Sounds pretty good! Quite interested to see how the date + banana combination tastes.
The cheapest package moving only 1 zil hajjah
U can also add paw paw to it and and a teaspoon of peanut butter if u dnt hve nuts – keeps u gng the entire day. Algamdudilah