How do you eat your mugh and roti?
On facebook i asked this question below and had an overwhelming response. The status that started it all.
Mugh Recipe
1 cup green mugh/moongh lentils
1 onion sliced
2 tomatoes
1 tsp chillies
1 or more tsp of salt
1. Boil mugh in litre of water until soft
2. Heat oil and add onion (or just put ready made fried onions in a pot)
3. when onion is light brown add spices and tomatoes
4. Allow to braise for few minutes
5. Add braised mixture into the boiling mugh and boil for a little bit longer
Optional (add 1 tso cumin seeds, 1 tsp mustard seeds, curry leaves to the vagaar(fried onion) when braising)
Click here for the real Nanima style Churi Churi Roti recipe
Churi churi means – breaking the roti in small pieces. churi churi roti pieces.. like pic below.
Mugh misunderstandings
I was given a recipe for durban style mugh which i totally misunderstood.. i heard take all the ingredients and boil them together.. so that is what i did raw onions, with raw tomatoes with all the spices and the raw mugh and then i just made it boil and boil and boil till it was done.. madala calls it mugh style 2.. he prefers mugh style 1 where you make the vagaar first and then add boiled mugh to it.. apparently the durban style one is my style 1 anyway.. and you suppose to make the vagaar first.. but it wasn’t bad at all mugh style 2 and it was oil less and healthy.. with all the condiments like achaars and vinegar they all taste the same at the end.
Nani Ma – so how do you eat your mugh and roti? everyone seems to have their own style..
Billy Dasoo With some butter and a dash of vinegar.
Salma Seedat Sibda I like to break d roti in small pieces and throw d mugh over and add some mayo and enjoy…..:-)
Afrocentric Muslimah With mayo 🙂
Nani Ma what i do is make the roti churi churi and then i put the mugh on top and some brown vinegar. if there is that jalepones chilli thing i put some of that on.. and also bichoo’s nanima’s lekker hekela achaar and mango achaar.. lekker lekker..
Tata Madala nanima and i eat in the same plate, so it can be challenging cos i like balsamic vinegar with my mugh and she likes the normal brown vinegar. try the balsamic it is also divine.
Naseema Mall hmmmmm….with the small chillies soaked in vinegar…
Rabiya Nagdee im actually making mugh today 1st time got burnt so ive put them up to boil again wot a coincidence me and nani likes em same
Shaakirah Ismail With mayo n methi atchaar..mug was n is a fav in my parents hme..pity my hub isnt too fond of it:-(sum1 send 4 me!
Zaakirah Dindar I make the roti churi churi,pour mugh over, put lots of banditos jalapenos,white vinegar, mango atchaar, hekela marchaa and lastly a dollop of sour cream..hmmm its devine..i gues thats wat il b havn 4 supper:-P
Maryam Patel Break roti in small pieces in a bowl,put d mungh on top n throw a bit of finely sliced onions in vinegar on top,wif a dash of honey/golden syrup/sweet chillie sauce.n now i crave mungh :/
Anisa A Loonat wow … i am surprised that so many of u make the roti churi churi … n that u luv mugh … my fav way is churi churi, mugh, then black vingear with methi achaar mmmmmm…. lol no methi achaar during the day .. if u do remember to brush your teeth properly after…
Summayya Moolla Roti churi churi pour mugh over with onions in brown vinegar n maas Anisa A Loonat oh yes forgot the maas … but that is put in when mugh almost done …
Muhammad Nathie Mugh, jam And roti! Yum! Rashida Chupty Argh all of u just putting me off magh even more 🙁 some form of lentil dish usually graces our table on a monday n my usual question is. . mummy can i pls go out 4 supper tonight bon appetit ppl . . i will enjoy my chicken thanks (G)
Fehmida Daya Babamia mugh with lemon atchaar….yum!
Saleem Haffejee watever you do nanima dont forgat the little bowl of gee-fried wagaar on the side to sprinkle over in your plate…..and not in the pot
Sameera Khan I need to be invited for supppr to someones house iv never had mugg in dose ways. I wdnt know wer to begin even mkn it. Salma Seedat Sibda We also say churi chruri roti….lol. Didnt knw it is a ‘indian’ word
Ahmed Mohomed jam honey mayo worcester sauce, sour cream, banditoes, balsamic vinegar, ppl really takin it to the next level. Wat happened to just vinegar.
Fatima Laher Mugh churi churi,onions in vinegar and jam and some ghos dish for me:)
Bibi Fatimah Muhamed mug wit lil kari over yum yum lol u wont stop eatng.its so. lekker wit rot…wat on earth is churi??
Nani Ma – @rabiya how did you make the mugh.. even making the mugh itself people have different ways of making it.. i was given a recipe for durban style mugh which i totally misunderstood.. i heard take all the ingredients and boil them together.. so that is what i did raw onions, with raw tomatoes with all the spices and the raw mugh and then i just made it boil and boil and boil till it was done.. madala calls it mugh style 2.. he prefers mugh style 1 where you make the vagaar first and then add boiled mugh to it.. apparently the durban style one is my style 1 anyway.. and you suppose to make the vagaar first.. but it wasn’t bad at all mugh style 2 and it was oil less and healthy.. with all the condiments like achaars and vinegar they all taste the same at the end.
Hajra Moolla Wow i cnt blve dat ppl eat mug in so many dfrnt ways..its so amazing 2kwn dat evry husehld is dfrnt! 4 me mug my fav meal 2 fast n easy! Lol i do da pt evryting in da pot n boil. I lik 2 eat my mug wit lotsa buter n lemon ,pt on top n mix,dan mk toast buter it n eat! Yumy i jst lve it!.
Rashida Chupty U all so passionate about magh lol maybe i should come n eat by 1 of u
Ahmed Kolia Mug with cucumbers in Daé?(it looks like that..) + Roti.
Rabiya Nagdee salaamz nanima i do the vagaar 1st brown the onions i practically burn my onions coz my hubby dosn’t like the sight of em with a little oil just a little oil coz im on weight wachers diet then goes the tomato and green chillies iboil my mugh in a different pot then mix it all together put it back on heat again once its nicely mixed take off the heat add a bit of yogurt. forgot 2 mentionthe masalas they go in the vagaar eat it with achaar and papad yummy yummy
Fuzzi Drowned in vinegar n pickled chillies
Fazila Dhooma slm 2 all. love 2 hear bout different tastes, durban style… make a nice red wagaar, add spices and tomatoes 2 make a lekker chuney den add 2 tablespoon all gold tomato sauce and bit of vinegar, add boiled mugh to it, leave on low, dn add wagaar,butter, garam masala n dhania, serve wid vinegar chillies n onion pickle, yummy my kids love it
Fowzia Jassat-Vawda Slmz i guess i’m the only person that really enjoys it with just plain SUGAR:)try it.
Raeesa Mahomed Lol Hated mug when i was younger… Then my daddy transformed it:) He used to make churilu mug:) break the roti into a plate of mug and then mix Yoghurt in. Mmm Yummy!
Rashida Haffejee after this, hubby wants mugh 2mor. will do it yr josi style.will llet u know how it goes, kids hate mugh with a passion, Mariam Dhooma – yeh mugh is really lekka wid roti but a good tip wen boiling da mugh daar masoor or lentils etc add 1/2 teaspoon bicarb to 2cups boiling mugh or daar etc its for the gas and flatulence ur stomach does not become bloated odawise its better to put pinch to 1/4 tsp of hing asoefedita in the wagaar wen making da mugh good 4 health this goes for the lekka saturday sugar beanz as well slmz tc. Muhammad Nathie Ya I’d like to also know what churi churi is?
Nani Ma @muhammad nathie churi churi roti is to break the roti in small small pieces then put the mugh on top
History of Mugh
Mung bean, also known as green bean, choroko (in Swahili), mung, mongo, moong, moog (whole) / moog dal (split) (inBengali , Marathi), mash bean, munggo or monggo, green gram, golden gram, and green soy, is the seed of Vigna radiata which is native to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. The split bean is known as moong dal,Pesara [పెసర] (Telugu), which is green with the husk, and yellow when dehusked. The beans are small, ovoid in shape, and green in color. The English word “mung” derives from the Hindimoong.
The mung bean is one of many species recently moved from the genus Phaseolus to Vigna and is still often seen cited as Phaseolus aureus or Phaseolus radiatus. These variations of nomenclature have been used regarding the same plant species
from wikipedia
My mouth is watering now 😛 we <3 it with dhai or khuri & braised big green chillies stuffed with braised roughly grounded dhana, jeeru, salt & lil apricot jam…very lekker 🙂
Don't u ppl add meat on the side?! I can't lentils w/o steak/chops/wors! Lol
Didnt know soo many ppl eat churi churi roti, I only learnt about it after I got married, laughed at my husband the first time i seen him breaking his roti in pieces, I was like ” what are u doing, it took soo much effort to make those rotis, n u breaking them”, n now he laughs at me for following his styles….lol
have you ever tried cooking mugh with achaar masala in your tomato chutney