Wear Red on Monday – Say NO to CRIME in South Africa

Written by on September 2, 2010 in Nanima Foundation, u

image source: www.younglions.co.za


Support Blood Red Monday – Say NO to CRIME in South Africa

  • Are you a victim of crime?
  • Do you know someone that is a victim of crime?
  • Are you sick and tired about the crime in South Africa?
  • Do you want to make a stand against crime?

Stand up united and  Support Blood Red Monday – Say NO to CRIME in South Africa campaign

Crime is getting out of hand in the country. Our streets are flowing of blood from all the victims of crime. Crime is something you can’t see. All victims of crimes feel isolated.  If you wear red on a monday, it will make  CRIME visible and known

All you have to do is wear something RED on Monday.

You could wear :

  • a red shirt,
  • red tie,
  • red ribbon,
  • red arm band,
  • red bracelet,
  • red scarf,
  • red hat,
  • red tshirt,
  • red dress,
  • red shoes
  • red clown nose.

Anything red. ( we won’t notice the undies though 🙂 )

Enough is enough. We will not be oppressed by criminals in this country.

IF we stand together we can take back peace in our homes and  lives. We fought apartheid we can fight crime.

In reality there are only a small percentage of tsotsi’s that are giving our country a bad name and putting fear in us.

Aims of  Blood Red Monday – Say NO to CRIME in South Africa:

  1. Awareness that there is a crime problem
  2. people to identify with each other that there is a crime problem
  3. people to share their  crime problem with each other
  4. To discuss and find out the root cause of the crime problem
  5. Find the solution to the crime problem
  6. Eventually combat and act against the crime problem

Maybe, just maybe, we all can stand united and fight crime together.

Let’s take a stand against crime in our beautiful land.

In memory of all the lives lost to crime.


Shout song



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  1. Lenasia Crime Alert | Ask Nanima? | September 6, 2010
  2. Hunt for Red October- What Steve should have done? | Ask Nanima? | October 11, 2013