Michael Jackson passes away at 50

Written by on June 26, 2009 in u

8 July 2009

Michael Jackson’s memorial was yesterday at Staples Centre in LA. . Was very emotional.All the brothers were one gloved. Who was the 5th guy there with them? The memorial opened with a message from Diana Ross and Nelson Mandela.

Magic Johnson “remembering the time” he ate KFC with MJ when they discussed making the video for remember the time. Brooke Shields welling up remembering all the times they laughed. Jermaine singing MJ favourite song “Smile” and Usher  crying before he could finish the song.  Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie and Stevie Wonder performed as well. Martin Luther king’s children spoke.  Smokie Robinson recalling how MJ out performed him at 9. Everyone remembered MJ the humanitarian. We are the world and heal the world were sung by the family and entertainers.


The surprise was the farewell speech from his daughter Paris. Also what we saw were his children that were always hidden from the spotlight.

Due to server problems i had to remove the images Click on here to find image


source: LA times

The memorial cost LA

What have you learnt from the sudden death of MJ?

26/06/2009 01:46am South African time

At 2:26pm Thursday on 25 June 2009 LA time Michael Jackson passed away a LA coroner confirmed at the age of 50.He had cardiac arrest and was rushed to a LA hospital still in a deep coma.

His family rushed to the hospital. Jermaine Jackson made an official statement press – he ended his statement by saying ” May Allah be with you always Michael, I love you”

Michael Jackson

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince “Blanket” Michael Jackson II.

PICTURE REMOVED DUE TO SERVER OVERLOAD click on link below for image

source: bestweekever.tv

26 June 12:20am South Africa time

At the moment there is speculation that the king of pop Michael Jackson has passed away in Los Angeles. He had a cardiac arrest. He was in a deep coma at his home when paramedics arrived. It has to be officially confirmed as yet. The LA times has reported that he has passed away. Michael Jackson was suppose to have a come back world tour and he had sold out concerts in London. He called this tour “HIS FINAL CURTAIN”

michael jackson body

There were rumours that Michael Jackson had become muslim last year sometime. Did MJ take the shahada? READ MORE

His funeral and burial will give us a clue.. (Allah knows best)

To Allah we belong and to Allah we return.


Michael Jackson last interview


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8 Reader Comments

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  1. mark says:

    why are his kids white?

  2. kaaya says:

    i love you michael jackson

  3. maria(greece) says:

    i love you michael jackson!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. LILIT Armenia says:

    me and my family we are so sad, I was 3 years old when i with all my family we became fans of Michael Jackson!!!!
    I am so devastated ! The world is so devastated !!! There is there were and there will never be a star like Michael Jackson.
    God Bless MICHAEL JACKSON. May he find his peace

  5. bret favre says:

    So, when do the Packers play again?

