I went to see this in action. Amazing how much work and effort has been put in adapting toddler development, preschool and school to the Islamic way. If I was an Islamic school in South Africa I would grab these brilliant resources and I would really adopt this syllabus. Great work has been done MashaAllah. One example is the life orientation syllabus has been adapted to the Muslim identity.
Aims of Madrassa Awlaadi curriculum
- Awareness of Islamic Values whilst traveling the path of education.
- The achievement of high level of knowledge, skills and values through the setting of high standards
- Realising the full potential of the learner as a member of the Ummah of Muhammad(Salla lahu alya hi wasalam)
- An Islamic approach common across the world.
The series of books are:
- Skill development for a two year old
- Skill development for a three year old
- Skill development for a four year old
- Skill development for a five year old
- Home schooling the Islamic way
- Grade R – 20 books
- Grade 1 – Grade7 homeschooling syllabus the Islamic way – South African school syllabus adapted to Islamic way of life e.g Life Orientation syllabus etc.
The mother’s lap is the first madarassa(school). Learn how to play, teach your child according to Islamic principles.
If you require homeschooling lessons or parenting workshops for toddlers skill development in the following areas:
- Auditory
- Visual
- Memory
- Perception
- Co ordination
- Balance
- Gross motor
- Tactile
- Cognitive development
- Spatial
- Mathematical
- Emotional
- Social
For more information Contact
Yasmin Hoosen – Ameera of Muslim Homeschool Association Gauteng
visit http://madrassaawlaadi.wordpress.com/
Please email madrassaawlaadi@gmail.com for more information.
PS. Muslim revert classes are also given every Saturday afternoon in Benoni.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu
Is there any e0mail address that I could contact sister Yasmin Hoosen with regrads the the Islamic homeschooling curriculum? Jazaakallah.
Salam,I am wanting to home school my two kids starting next year.would love to meet with other mothers wanting to do this too and those that are already.I am situated in benoni.also,is there an email address for yasmin? Shukran,tasneem
Email: tasneem.mustapha@gmail.com
Assalamu’alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh
My name is Nurfida, a teacher of Islamic School in Indonesia. I look for references for Islamic studies. Would you tell me how i can get the detail information about the curiculum? Jazakumullah khoyron
I’m a qualified teacher who hasn’t been in practice for over 20 years and now intend homeschooling my 8 yr old daughter as from 2010…how do I go about doing this? It would be appreciated if you could possibly email me more information on this subject. my email address is scsaloojee@gmail.com
salaams please pass on info to yasmien as we have not recieved any info on the homeschooling.
desperately need more info
i am homeschooling my 5yr old kid .could u give me info about any islamic organisation which has an online testing method to rate the childs capabilities in both islamic and other subjects like english,math,science etc.
and provide grades.which could be usefull when my kid goes to school.
I have been homeschooling my two children but finding it difficult with my now ten month old son. trying to get the syllabus for grade 3 and 5 and find a suitable teacher to do the schooling for them. Insha’Allah.
Hello, for all students (at least high-school and the undergraduates) and others with an interest or enrolled in economics, homeschoolers esp., I have started a blog which will comprise study literature in a more entertaining form than standard textbooks, see
CrisisMaven’s Economics Study Guide. It also contains a Reference List which aspires to eventually become the “one stop shop” for all economic data series, history, bibliographies etc.
Slmz.Iam interested in yiur home schooling syllabus.please give me more info
I am interested in homeschooling my gr7 child next year. I need information asap as this year is already ending. my queries are the usual,which homeschool to register with,planning lessons,subject choices etc. I would appreciate any assistance regarding this on 011 9181146. Shukran, Jazakallah.
Salams. Where can I obtain the syllabus for 2 year olds? I am in Durban.ws
For the sisters who are looking for homeschooling resources, please take a look at my website where I share resources on all subjects and ages.
Aslms , i was wandering are there any teachers available in the Cape Town area that would be able to teach my kids in a home environment ?
with Islamic values and principles the basis of the curriculum