Firstly who is the Dalai Lama?
This is what wiki had to say:
Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader revered among Tibetans.
In 1959 the Dalai Lama fled through the mountains to India following a failed uprising and the effective collapse of the Tibetan resistance movement. He had at first, in 1951, ratified under military pressure a Seventeen Point Agreement to let his government to be a part of People’s Republic of China. In India he set up a Tibetan government-in-exile.
Among the 80,000 or so exiles that followed him Tenzin Gyatso strives to preserve traditional Tibetan education and culture.The Chinese government, whose occupation of Tibet in 1959 forced him into exile, regards him as the symbol of an outmoded theocratic system. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Should the Dalai Lama get a visa or not that is the question?
Did he apply for one, didn’t he apply for one?
So much controversy.. I think people are feeling angered by this especially Barbara Hogan Health minister and Mangasotho Buthelezi (taking home affairs to court) because for some it is like inviting Nelson Mandela to the peace conference and denying him a visa. The facts are very unclear.Did his visa get lost in home affairs? We are not sure if he applied or not? The question we need to ask is if he applies for his Visa now what will happen? Will China really care if he comes to the country or not?
I personally don’t know the facts about this and I am constantly hearing Dalai this and Dalai that!!!Anyone care to enlighten me?
Didn’t he come here before already to meet Nelson Mandela?
Maybe someone is human after all and even a procrastinator like the rest of us.

Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama
He came before SA had a major trade agreement with China. It’s all about the money.
French President dissed the Chinese ppl about the same aspect, created a massive furor and now had to send a ‘suckup’ delegation to China.
SA gov doesn’t want to go through that when we have so much made in china goodies and they get around half of that much with made in sa goodies. Its the money ppl.