Election 2009 Watch

Written by on April 14, 2009 in u


The ANC  264 seats in the national assembly and 126 on the national provincial list.

The Democratic Alliance received 67 seats in the national assembly and 16 provincially.

Congress of the People took 30 seats in the larger legislature and 16 provincially.

The Inkatha Freedom Party received 18 seats in the national assembly and nine in the provincial legislature.

The United Democratic Movement, the Freedom Front Plus and the Independent Democrats each received 4 seats in the national assembly and 3 spots on the provincial list.

The Pan Africanists Congress of Azania received 1 seat in parliament and 1 on the provincial list.

The United Christian Democratic Party received 2  in the national house and 1  in the provincial one.

The African Christian Democratic Party received 3 seats in Parliament and 3  in the national provincial list.

The Azanian People’s Organisation, the Azanian People’s Convention and the Minority Front received  1 seat in each house.


please note they seem to be having some technical problems so be patient..

Seat Results

Vote in the National and ProvincialElections on 22 April 2009

Voting stations open from 7am – 9pm.

Nanima’s advise when voting:

When you vote remember you are voting for a party who will be serving you and a party you are employing(i.e if you pay your taxes). Vote as if you are hiring someone that will deliver and will be the best qualified to do the job. Someone that will have your best interests at heart. If you hire someone to work for you will you hire them because you like them or because they can do the job efficiently and effectively.

This is not a soccer match and you don’t have be loyal and support your team blindly till the end of time.( you will never walk alone)

Choose the party you truly believe and are best qualified to  deliver houses, remove poverty, alleviate crime,  give us better education, health care.Vote for the party you think will benefit the country. Vote for someone you feel has the same values as you have.

If you are happy with the current state of affairs vote as you wish but if you want to see a change then carefully review the candidates and see who you will hire to serve you best. Vote for the party that will make the difference and the change you want to see in the world.

If you not voting,, agh just shut up.. no more complains.. ne’

Am I registered?

Where do I Vote – Find your voting Station?

For queries contact your local municipality or the IEC

Won’t be at your voting station or out of town ?

If you are out of town you can still vote.For the National and Provincial 2009 Elections, you will
be able to vote at any of the approximately 20 000 voting
stations across South Africa.. At the voting station on election day,
you will be asked to complete a section 24A form. If you are outside your province where you have registered you will only be able to vote in the national election and not the provincial election.

Am I registered?

Lost your ID book

you can still vote, go to home affairs and get a temporary ID certificate.

If you have any election related questions call IEC or your local municipality IEC contact information

Participating Parties & Candidates

Excel spreadsheet Download all candidate lists (Excel spreadsheet – 812 KB

Media release of party list from IEC

Al Jama



African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)

Rev. Dr. Kenneth Rasalabe Joseph Meshoe


African National Congress (ANC)

Jacob Zuma


Congress of the People

Dr Mvume Dandala and Mosiuoa Terror Lekota


Democratic Alliance (DA)

Helen Zille


Federation of Democrats

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)

Dr Mangosuthu Buthelezi


Independant Democrats (ID)

Patricia de Lille


Minority Front (MF)

Amichand Rajbansi


National Democratic Convention (NADECO)

Ziba Jiyane

National Party (NP)


Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)

Progressive Independent Movement

South African Communist Party (SACP)

Gwede Mantashe


United Christian Democratic Party (UCDP)

Kgosi Mangope


United Democratic Movement (UDM)

Bantu Holomisa


United Independent Front

United Party of South Africa

Vryheidsfront Plus (VF)

Dr Pieter Mulder


Sample Ballot Papers

Download the sample ballot papers (PDF files) for the 2009 National and Provincial Elections: National, Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West, Northern Cape, Western Cape.



I am not sure if the IEC is allowing any very very late registrations

call the IEC Head office

Head Office

Election House, 260 Walker Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria

Tel : (012) 428 5700

Fax: (012) 428 5784



7-8 February 2009

Voting stations open 08:00 to 17:00

Visit http://www.elections.org.za/

Am I Registered ?

Where do I Register / Vote ?

South Africans living abroad will be able to cast their votes on April 15, the Independent Electorate Commission (IEC) said at their embassies and high commissions.

16000 South Africans had a chance to vote. London and Canberra had the bulk of voters. People voted in Stockholm, Brussels and many other places.



Complete VEC10 FORM before 27 March 2009

Special Votes

See the Election Timetable for more important dates

  • Overseas votesThe Constitutional Court ruled on 12 March that South African citizens outside of South Africa who are registered to vote may vote. You must send your completed VEC 10 form to us at vec10@elections.org.za by Friday 27 March.

Step by Step guide for expats

1. Find your Identity Documents: You need both your green bar coded ID book and your passport to vote.

2. Check if you are a registered voter (IEC “Am I registered?”, [www] https://www.elections.org.za/AmRegister/AmRegister.aspx [opens new window, accessed 16 Mar 2009]).

3. Find your nearest diplomatic mission (Department of Foreign Affairs “Web sites of SA Missions”, [www] http://www.dfa.gov.za/webmissions/index.html [opens new window, accessed 16 Mar 2009]).

4. Download the VEC 10 form (IEC “VEC 10” http://www.elections.org.za/Documents/Voting2009/VEC10%20absence%20from%20the%20Republic1.pdf [PDF document, opens new window, accessed 16 Mar 2009]).

5. Fill in V10 form and submit by 27 Mar 2009.

  • Include covering letter (1 sentence) saying that you intend voting and where you intend voting.
  • E-mail to vec10@elections.org.za or fax to +2712-428-5566/428-5279.

6. 15 April 2009: Take ID book and passport to diplomatic mission and vote.

  • Foreign voting dayVoters outside South Africa can apply for a special vote at their foreign mission on 15 April 2009. Please take your green, bar-coded ID and passport.
  • Special voting days inside South AfricaApply to vote before you leave the country on 20 or 21 April at the voting station where you registered. Please take your green, bar-coded ID and passport.

For more info, see special votes.

For more information call 0800 11 8000 toll free from a landline


SMS your ID to 32810 if you are already registered to check your details

If you want and really confused where your voting station is you can contact your local municipal electoral office

Info from the IEC website

o vote in National, Provincial and Municipal elections, you have to register as a voter. You only have to register once, unless your voting district changes.

Who can register?

You must:

  • be a South African citizen;
  • be at least 16 years old; and
  • have a green, bar-coded ID book.

When and where can I register?

Register during announced registration weekends at your voting station (in the voting district where you live). Where is my voting station?

You can also register at your local Municipal Electoral Office during office hours. There are closing dates for registration for each election. Contact your Municipal Electoral Office for details.

What must I bring?

You need to register in person. Bring your:

  • South African, green, bar-coded ID bookOR
  • Valid Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC) if you don’t have an ID book

What happens when I register?

1. Go to the voting station or Municipal Electoral Office

2. Fill in an Application for Registration as a Voter form

3. Your ID book is scanned

4. A bar-coded sticker is pasted in your ID book

When do I have to re-register?

You only have to re-register when:

  • You change your home address
  • We inform you that your voting district has changed

How do I know if or where I’m registered?

You can check your registration status one week after registering by:

  • sending an SMS with your ID number to 32810,
  • calling 0800 11 8000 toll-free from a landline, or
  • using our Am I Registered? Web page.

If you’re registered, you will be informed of your voting station details.



It is not too late to register for next year’s general election, says the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) ahead of a weekend dedicated to registering voters across South Africa.

Those who have not registered are advised to register at one of 1 500 voting stations, which will be open from 8am to 5pm on the weekend of November 8 and 9.

Courtney Sampson, spokesperson for the IEC in the Western Cape, appealed to all non-registered voters to take this opportunity to register.

Sampson also advised those who were not sure if they were registered to SMS their ID number to 32810 or to visit the IEC website http://www.elections.org.za and enter their ID number to find out if they need to register or change their details.

Please call the IEC toll free on 0800 11 8000 to confirm your correct voting district and station.

We as South Africans must accept the hard-won right to vote.

Our vote can influence the future of our country.

It is a right which we should all exercise as responsible citizens irrespective of who we support.

VOTING REGISTRATION will took place on 8/9 November 2008 countrywide at a venue near you.

If you are you happy with the way South Africa is governed then go vote for the ANC and make sure they stay in power.

If you are unhappy with the way South Africa is governed then vote for any of the political parties that you believe will make a difference in the way South Africa is governed.

If you don’t vote OR believe your vote doesn’t count then stop complaining. You have no right to complain because you did not make an effort to make a difference by using your vote to change the country.




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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. IPL coming to South Africa | Ask Nanima.co.za? | March 25, 2009
  2. Advertise your business | Ask Nanima? | May 17, 2010
  1. Craig says:

    Thanks for being the ONLY website in south africa that provides some information on registering to vote!!!

    The IEC is useless!

  2. C de Klerk says:

    For wich election are we to register. This page is dated 8 th Nov. 2008.
    Where do we register Gauteng Fourways Johannesburg North
    I think the info provided on website is poor

  3. Rhian Twine says:

    What times are the voting stations open from and what time do they close on the 22nd?

  4. Ivan says:

    Voting stations open 7:00 am and close at 21:00 PM on the 22nd

  5. geraldine says:

    On the radio it was said that voting can start from 6 is this true?

  6. L N Phangisa says:

    i want to know more about challenges that iec face, their vision ,mission and also achivements of the iec as from 1994 to 2009 please inform me as soon as you receive this message. inform me by email that is lnphangisa@gmail.co.za
