So we have to voluntarily switch of our lights for 1 hour on 28 March 2009.
South Africa’s earth hour page
How many hours of load shedding did you go through last year this time. I remember my times were the worst of it. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during peak time from 7 till 10. I was angry and had to stock up with gas stove and pots for the gas stove and get all those rechargable lights. My area really had the worst time slot and there was talk about changing it to rotate by that time loadshedding was a thing of the past. Personally I am sure after last year we all feel we our share for the earth spending hours and hours in the dark last year.
But I am game to join the world to save the earth from global warming and if this one hour sitting in the dark will prove my committment to going green the let us switching off for that hour.
For that hour just switch off everything and just be.. Be one with the earth and reflect on what more you can do for the sad state of affairs the world is in. I watched this program Hopeville on SABC, it drags at snails pace but the story line is very good. I like what is showing us. If you want change it must start with you.
As the Mahatma Gandhi said
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Small things we can start doing
Recycling, change our light bulbs, start using public transport
Yah, I know practise before you preach ne’. Let us just start with switching of the lights for that hour and thing about how to save the world during the hour..
If you have any great ideas on how to save the world by starting with baby steps share with us on Madala’s green fingers forum
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