Velantine’s day – The love story

Written by on February 11, 2009 in u

Okay so Madala and I don’t believe in the valentine’s day fad.. as he says everyday is valentine’s day, mother’s day.. when father’s day comes eish!!! 🙂

Thought since love is in the air let me share with you this story..

The Love story

2040: Once upon a time there were two elderly people sitting on a stoep in their rocking chairs, in the outskirts of jozi, watching the sunset on the amazing green meadow, while a beautiful calm stream flowed by. It was the year 2040. The two were sitting and pondering about the amazing life that has passed  by so quickly, sipping on clean tap water (it has been 30 years, 7 months, 10 days and 24seconds since Nanimas last fizzy sugary drink)

MADALA: Sweetie Pie, Do you remember the day you became a Nanima and the Nanima revolution began?

NANIMA: I remember it as if it were  yesterday, my Boetie, moved to Johannesburg. Whenever he visited us, he always had bright ideas. That year he wanted to import solar panels from China and sell it South Africa. If we only followed on his hunch, we would have made big bucks because a few months later the whole load shedding thing started and I think you can recall the Eishkom power crisis.

MADALA: I only remember your brilliant idea of daylight saving time in Cape Town. It was the cheapest solution to implement.
NANIMA: Anyway, so one cold winter’s night, my Boetie was at it again, he came storming in the house and said I want to start something where bored housewives can look after working mothers home and children and call it Nanima. We were aware in our family alone of many empty and almost empty nesters who were bored, becoming depressed by the day looking for purpose in their lives and working mothers stressed to the bone not able to cope. The minute he said that, something exploded in my mind. I always had ideas of widows assisting varsity students to make home cooked meals, matchmaking and so on, empowering them both. The minute he said Nanima, I knew it was the banner I was looking for to incorporate all my ideas under one roof. Not wanting this to be a dead end idea, I challenged him to put his money where he mouth is. We went into labour and registered the domain on 7 June 2007 and on that evening was born. From that night, I have only being growing from strength to strength and have never looked back; enjoying all the fruits I reap from the whole experience.
MADALA: I wonder what where Boetie is hiding these days, is he still involved?
NANIMA: Although my Boetie was the initiator and is a silent partner, I am the brains behind this outfit.  We really helped many students, workers find home cooked meals and boarding and lodging. We assisted parents to find Nanima’s to transport their kids from school to madressahs. We assisted some people to revert to Islam.
MADALA: Thanx to we attended many weddings that Nanima matched. We  also attended many graduation ceremonies for students were found tutors. The elderly will be eternally grateful to all the Nanima’s who visited them. The amount of Huwavar/confinements Nanima did, she should lost he calling to become a midwife.
NANIMA: Many brides learnt to cook by Nanima and their husbands still send me Thank you notes till today. Ja, is a community building support system that bridges the gap between families in need of help and Nanima’s offering their reliable services. NANIMA.CO.ZA now (Ask Nanima?)is truly a proudly South African initiative and caters for anyone, in any place and any country. The best part is the service is Mahala, free of charge. The best thing that came out of was if it wasn’t for this work, I would have never met the love of my life, you, oupa.

MADALA: It was love at first sight. I use to sit in front of that hardware shop that you use to frequent because you had a big hardware shop fetish. I always wonder what is it with you and hardware shops, but if it wasn’t for that quirk we would have never met. I use to sit there for days at end waiting for work but no one would take me home because they were scared to take any of us sitting on the pavement home. We were looking to earn ends meat but no one had faith in us. Most of my chomies were really talented in their fields of painting, carpentry, tiling and so one. We just wanted to earn and honest living but no one would trust us because of a few bad apples that were causing crime in the country. The day you approached me I knew my life would change forever.

NANIMA: I needed tiling, I approached you and asked you sir what’s your name. You said Madala. I was very apprehensive to pick up someone from the street and take them home with me to put the tiles in, but when I saw you, I could see there was some goodness in you. To make it safe for me, I asked you to meet me at the nearest police station, with your original ID book and a copy of your ID signed by a commissioner of oaths, letters from three previous jobs you did, bank account details, any certificates to prove training in the field of expertise, the nearest hardware shop that you use often. On that day MADALA.CO.ZA (now Ask Madala?) came to life. Nanima finally found her nkalakatha (big boss).

MADALA: A match made in heaven. Nanima  is  a great homemaker, brilliant chef, loves kids and cares for the elderly.

NANIMA: Madala is everything I was looking for in a man. You are  tall, dark, handsome, a great listener, leader not a follower, compassionate, selfless, good with your hands and can fix anything sharp!! Sharp!!!. You became my  best chomie and Deputy.(ons is oud maar nie koud nie,)

MADALA: Ask Madala? created job opportunities for the public who need to be recognized for the great skill but are looking for a support system that is on their side to prove their potential.

NANIMA: We found jobs for all your friends and some of their children have become doctors and lawyers.

MADALA: We were so young and wild, about 28, 29 years old in 2007. Remember we travelled to Europe with bichoo to meet your sister in Munich. We also had a the most difficult brain teasing Nanima competition. Where in the world is Nanima?

NANIMA: Not one person could crack the code because it was so difficult.  The competitions did become easier as the years went by.

MADALA: I really enjoy you approach to solving the problems society is facing in your newsletters. Discussing issues at hand in your panchaat column, giving some wise words about it and then offering a solution in your REMEDY. Your Nanima TV suits the situation as well.  I was always updated with the latest sport in your madala section and started living more green conscious because of the tips in the green finger section..the chows you made from the recipe section divine is not a word for them. it was an amazing ride..

NANIMA: Eish, we were young. Remember in December 2008, we went to India with the whole family. Let’s go and read salaah, make some lekker pop corn, tuck in and watch the India DVD I made.


Ask Nanima?

Nanima and Madala are not real people. What makes nanima and madala real is the people around it,  those that become our friends and join our cyber family. We are place where people feel safe to visit us and ask questions, give advise and if they feel shy to ask the questions we ask for them. This has become a place to discuss current issues. We are a South African website.

Our main aim is to help where we can help each other, try and find the help for someone searching and at the same time  empower  home industries and home improvement services.

Become part of the family and join us on Ask Nanima? facebook page and Ask Madala? facebook page

Some facts about Velantine’s day:

Got this very amusing email. True or not you can decide..How Valentine’s day originated




The Gujarati Story of Valentine’s Day.

In spite of what you have been told by everyone, the truth is that Valentine’s Day originated hundreds of years ago, in India, and to top it all, in the state of Gujarat !!!

It is a well known fact that Gujarati men, specially the Patels, continually mistreat and disrespect their wives (Patelianis). One fine day, it happened to be the 14th day of February, one brave Pateliani, having had enough “torture” by her husband, finally chose to rebel by beating him up with a Velan (rolling pin to make chapattis). Yes….the same Velan which she used daily, to make chapattis(rotis) for him….only this time, instead of the dough, it was the husband who was flattened.

This was a momentous occasion for all Gujarati women and a revolt soon spread, like wild fire, with thousands of housewives beating up their husbands with the Velan. There was an outburst of moaning “chapatti-ed” husbands all over Anand and Amdavad.

Patel family in Gujarat (not the same one)

The Patel men-folk quickly learnt their lesson and started to behave more respectfully with their Patelianis. Thereafter, on 14th February, every year, the womenfolk of Gujarat would beat up their husbands, to commemorate that eventful day. The wives having the satisfaction of beating up their husbands with the Velan and the men having the supreme joy of submitting to the will of the women they loved.

Soon The Gujju men realised that in order to avoid this ordeal they need to present gifts to their wives….they brought flowers and sweetmeats. Hence the tradition began.
As Gujarat fell under the influence of Western culture, that day was called ‘Velan time’ day. The ritual soon spread to Britain and many other Western countries, specifically, the catch words ‘Velan time ! ‘. Of course in their foreign tongues, it was first anglisised to ‘Velantime’ and then to ‘Valentine’.
And thereafter, 14th of February, came to be known as Valentine’s Day!

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  1. 067 - Marriage mysteries | Ask | March 4, 2009
  2. Who is Nanima? | Ask Nanima? | May 27, 2010
  1. dillilah says:

    why cant I read this?:(

  2. Nanima says:

    i am not sure it seems fine by me
