This weekend the idea grew on me to start some sort of public speaking and research type of initiative. Almost like toastmasters but more focused on specific topics.( please madala’s, don’t feel left out, feel free to start your own circles for book reading and public speaking with your own friends. )
How it works?
1. Choose a series of topics?
2. Ask all people attending the meeting to do extensive research on that topic. Must come with valid and authentic references.
3. Before you speak or submit story ask a mentor in that subject matter to ensure that references are authentic and not weak.
3. Stand up on a SOAP box and do a speech between 3-5 minutes on the subject.
4. Submit an story on that topic not more then 500 words on that topic on the Nanima Soap box blog.
Feel free to start this in your own town.
1. Improve public speaking skills and the remove fear of public speaking
2. Learn to do research and preparation before talking
3. Improve writing skills
4. Learn about different subject matters
5. Meet new people.
7. Become a dynamic speaker
8. Gain investigation and interviewing skills
First person of discussion: Umm Ayman/Aiman – Barakah
Who was Barakah? I really love Barakah and found her to be the forgotten Sahabi in Islam. The unsung heroine. I think she was an important figure in Islamic history.
She was a black slave girl who was there when the Prophet(SAW) was born and was there right till the prophet(SAW) passed away. Her life is fascinating.
Please note if you quoting anything ensure that the source is authentic especially if it is from the internet.
DEADLINE: 31/01/2008
Time and venue to be confirmed. Will try and see if we can gatecrash the book club picnic for this first discussion as well.
After that we will meet once a month at the Sandton City Jamaat Khana at 19h00 on a Wednesday nights. Will only start after the 15th of February 2009 though.
This will give you enough time to get lots and lots of information about Barakah. I would really like to learn more about her life. I really love her story and find it very intriguing but don’t find much about her anywhere.
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