Nanima co za 063 -A new day has come – YES WE CAN

Written by on November 5, 2008 in Newsletter


5/11/08 CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA – YES WE CAN Feels like I was watching an American movie. Where the underdog comes on top. The First African American Black president. 44th president of United states of America.History in the making. I can’t believe I would live to see the day that a black man will become the most powerful man in the world. The only day I was more excited then today was the day Nelson Mandela was inaugurated.To Will Smith who mentioned in Madiba’s birthday Obama is America’s Madiba: Obama will never come close to Mandela’s little finger, as Madiba is a legend and in a league of his own. Obama mentors are Madiba and Martin Luther King. Like South Africa, America is in a worse financial state. They have lots of problems internally and externally. It seems like every 8 years America goes through change. As if the Americans are playing good cop bad cop. When they want to go to war they elect a Bush.. and when they want to clean up the mess they vote a democrat. In the past years I was very disappointed with America. Yesterday my faith and hope in America changed. When I saw how they were all desperate for change and how Americans are moral when they voted for laws to be changed in their states. I finally felt that there was hope for peace in the world. President Barack Husein Obama( with his sleeves rolled up) looks like he is up for challenge to clean up America. I am watching this now waiting for Obama. I see Oprah is in the crowd. I can’t help but think never underestimate the power of Oprah. No one knew about Barack Obama until he was on her show and cheerleading him and his book Audacity of hope..The Oprah effect does its magic once again. The speech was great. Tears were flowing. Calm Barack Obama is a great orator. He doesn’t use cue cards or impromptu machine. He speaks from his heart. He talked about creating a new spirit in America. The road ahead being long and steep. Talking about healing all divisions. He also told us a story about a 106 year woman who cast her vote yesterday, Anne Nixon Cooper, born before slavery, couldn’t vote because she was a woman and colour of her skin, times she was told she can’t and through times and with the moto”YES WE CAN”  the world changed.

Obamas Mama and Papa - Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Snr

Obama's Mama and Papa - Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Snr - Olive Tambo Look alike

It seems like it won’t only unify United States of America, there is hope for Kenya where Barack Obama’s, Barack Obama Snr, a luo father was born in Kogelo. There is political tensions in this region. Maybe this can unify Kenya as well. Kenya is so excited they declaring tomorrow a public holiday and started upgrading their airport and await the landing of Air force 1. Others have started naming their new born babies Barack or Michelle. Gives hope to the world that a son from a village in Kenya can rule the world. It really seems like Barack Husein Obama’s family is like united nations. Half brothers from Indonesia, half siblings from Africa, white mother, black father.. amazing..

President Barack Obama, with first lady Michelle Obama, Sasha and Malia Ann Obama

President Barack Obama, with first lady Michelle Obama, Sasha and Malia Ann Obama

Michelle Obama’s dress is stunning. Seems like the family are all matching. She is so plain and simple. No bling. Very elegant, so Jacki O. I was touched when she whispered in his ear I love you after the speech. I was even more touched when he praised her support during his speech. Watch the speech

strong>4/11/08 – ELECTION DAY The first black African American president vs the first woman vice president or first woman president. History in the making. The winner will have lots of work to do especially regarding the recent economic crisis.

Barack Obama, with wife Michelle and daughters Malia Anna and Natasha

Barack Obama, with wife Michelle and daughters Malia Anna and Sasha sitting on a stoep

Obama – rolling up his sleeves The final round of campaigning are almost over. If you notice Obama always has his sleeves rolled up. These are signs that he ready to get working. Signs of a man that wants get his hands dirty and fix the problems at home. Obama firmly believes he can change the country. With his sleeves rolled up it looks like he is ready to mop up all the mess made in the past.

Obama sleeves rolled up

Sad news on his part his Nanima Madelyn Dunham – maternal grandmother passed away at 86 after a long battle with cancer. Today will be his defining moment. Unfortunately she didn’t get a chance to vote for her grandson. Hope his Dadima – paternal grandmother from Kenya Africa has a TV and will be watching how her grandson will become the most powerful man in the world.

Obamas Nanima Madelyn Dunham- Maternal Grandmother passed away on Monday

Obamas dadima - paternal grandmother

Obama’s dadima – paternal grandmother Sarah Obama

Mcain – the sad oupa Mcain is very old and battles with cancer like obama s nanima. Will he make it through his whole term. If he wins and doesn’t last till the end.. will America have its first woman president, Sarah Palin – as she calls her husband “the first dude- Tod Palin – snow mobile champion of the world.. is she insinuating what we all thinking..

Mcain Palin

Mcain Palin


Poverty alleviation – the only solution to poverty

American debt diet


“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. Martin Luther “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” Neil Armstrong




Growing olive trees – Olive branch

Olive branch

Olive branch

To ensure you give your olive tree the best possible start to life, just follow these criteria:

  1. Site in the sunniest position possible, ideally south or west facing with some protection from the north and east winds
  2. Plant in free-draining soil that will not become waterlogged during the wetter parts of the year; olives are tolerant of both acidic and alkaline soils. Poor sandy soils will benefit from the addition of organic compost and clay soils may require additional drainage or if this is not feasible, then consider a raised bed.
  3. Olive trees can successfully grow in containers for many years and while they will grow in most composts, for long-term cultivation we recommend mixing a good quality multipurpose compost 50/50 with John Innes No.3. Never over-pot your olive tree and always re-pot just to a slightly larger pot.
  4. Olive trees can be easily pruned to maintain the size and habit required. We recommend that light, formative pruning is undertaken in mid-spring with heavier trimming in early to mid-summer. Never prune during the winter and be cautious in the autumn: like many Mediterranean trees, olives need some heat and recovery time to heal wounds before the dormant winter period.
  5. Feed your olive tree with seaweed extract fortnightly between May and September to ensure the tree stays healthy, vigorous and happy.

Cold weather

In areas where the minimum winter temperatures are between -2°C and -5C, olive trees require no winter protection and will even tolerate drops down to -7°C for short periods, providing the daytime temperature rises sufficiently. In areas of lower winter temperatures, your olive tree can be protected with several layers of horticultural fleece wrapped around the trunk and crown of the tree. Like many plants grown in pots, olive trees have not yet evolved to tolerate frozen roots; if this happens, they can suffer drought through not being able to take up water or worse still, the roots will be damaged which can result in subsequent poor growth or even death of the tree. But fear not! This can be prevented by adding several layers of bubble plastic to the inside of the pot when re-potting the plant or simply add layers of bubble plastic to the outside of the pot and secure with twine (not quite as attractive, but just as effective).


As American as Apple Pie INGREDIENTS:

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons cold milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 6 Fuji apples, cored and sliced
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter

METHOD 1,2, 3

  1. reheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. To Make Crust: In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, oil, milk, 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar and salt until evenly blended. Pat mixture into a 9 inch pie pan, spreading the dough evenly over the bottom and up sides. Crimp edges of the dough around the perimeter.
  3. To Make Filling: Mix together 3/4 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Sprinkle over apples and toss to coat. Spread evenly in unbaked pie shell.
  4. To Make Topping: Using a pastry cutter, mix together 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup sugar and butter until evenly distributed and crumbly in texture. Sprinkle over apples.
  5. Put pie in the oven on a cookie sheet to catch the juices that may spill over. Bake 45 minute
  6. FOOTNOTE Baking pie is a rather straightforward technique, but a few tips can only help to make your pies come out


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